Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Support a strong education for all

This week is American Education Week, and all across the country people are celebrating public education and honoring ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Remember to thank a veteran

It comes around once a year — a day dedicated solely to veterans. These are men and women ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Celebrate your freedoms and those who fought for them

Thursday is World Freedom Day. In the United States, freedom is something many take for granted. Whether it’s ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: 2018 election season has already begun

Unlike other parts of the state and the country, Albert Lea didn’t have any elections this go-around. In ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Protect yourself from the silent killer

It’s known as a colorless, odorless gas that can kill you. Carbon monoxide, found in fumes produced any ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

To Albert Lea High School graduate Aaron Rietsema. Congratulations to Aaron Rietsema, a 1998 graduate of Albert Lea ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Albert Lea has priorities straight with safety, security

We are proud to live in a community where safety and security are a priority. In the last ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Drive with extra caution to avoid deer this month

We encourage motorists to drive with caution this month, which is the peak time for deer-vehicle crashes in ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Does the area have essential infrastructure for residents?

When we think of infrastructure, the first things that come to mind are roads and bridges. When you ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: How do we take care of the environment?

Albert Lea and the surrounding areas have many natural resources to be proud of, but is the community ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Tribune Thumbs

To the award winners at the annual Albert Lea-Freeborn County Chamber of Commerce banquet. Congratulations to all who ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Safely dispose of unneeded prescriptions

People across the state and nation will have the chance to safely dispose of their expired, unused and ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Need a job? There are many opportunities

One of the nine dimensions of a healthy community, as identified by the Blandin Foundation, is economic opportunity. ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Research is clear — Waiting periods can curb gun deaths

It’s no secret this country is extraordinarily divided on the issue of gun rights, and common ground has ...

Editorial --FEATURE SPOT

Editorial: Find balance, seek wellness in all aspects of life

The everyday hustle of work, family and other responsibilities can quickly take a toll if a person will ...

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