
Guest Column: A good place to start is getting to know others

On Wednesday, Kristin and I shared our Wind Down Wednesday exhibit with board chair Joe Lubke. We were ...


Editorial: Good Samaritans make difference in community

The community is full of good Samaritans — you simply have to open up your eyes and see. ...


Editorial: Safety is always the top priority for community events, festivals

We, like many others, look forward to Albert Lea’s community events, such as Wind Down Wednesday and Thursdays ...


Editorial: Stay safe in extreme heat

With temperatures and humidity high this week, it’s important to remember the effects that extreme heat can have ...


Amy Klobuchar: It’s time to stop robocalls once and for all

If you have a phone, then chances are you’ve received at least one unsolicited robocall — likely more. “Congratulations! ...


Editorial: Donate blood and save lives

The American Red Cross is facing a blood shortage following a difficult Fourth of July week for blood ...


Editorial: Help 2 area cities celebrate big anniversaries

It’s not every day one of our area communities celebrates 100 years — let alone 150 years. But ...


Editorial: Practice safety with fireworks

The Fourth of July may have already passed, but reports of fireworks are still lingering and are likely ...


Sarah Stultz: A powerful lesson on importance of forgiveness

I came across a video with Eva Kor several months ago. Kor is a a Romanian survivor of ...


Guest Column: Check out United Way at upcoming event

We’ve been a little quiet here at United Way of Freeborn County. Our newsletter has been on hiatus, ...


Editorial: Here comes the chance to get involved in city manager choice

The Albert Lea City Council this week chose four applicants to move forward for the city manager position, ...


Editorial: Yes, we’re still playing Bing-Oh!

If you are still checking the community pages for Bing-Oh! Spring numbers, you’re not alone. We are almost ...


Editorial: Keep community clean, during the holiday week and always

The Fourth of July is almost here, and with it the annual Third of July Parade the day ...


Guest Column: Responding to the needs of entrepreneurs

At Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation, one of the three program areas that we focus on is economic development. ...


Editorial: Goodnature’s legacy continues to live on in area

This year marks the 14th year of the Corey Goodnature Memorial Scholarship Golf Classic. Created in memory of ...

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