
Editorial: Take precaution in dangerous wind chills

With dangerous wind chills expected later this week, it is important for people to take extra measures to ...


Peggy Bennett: Drivers, it’s time for hands-free cellphone use

Roughly four months ago, we were shocked by news that Blooming Prairie teacher Rachel Harberts had been driving ...


Editorial: Thanks for all the good done by Albert Lea’s service clubs

At least a couple times a month, we typically receive a photo to print in the newspaper of ...


Editorial: It’s time to toughen up on phone use while driving

District 27A Rep. Peggy Bennett said it perfect when talking about a bill introduced in the Legislature this ...


Editorial: Thank you to government workers — we appreciate you

Today is the 25th day of the partial federal government shutdown. Whether you agree or disagree with what ...


Editorial: Fingers crossed for the future of Shopko

It has been a less than ideal year for retail stores across the country. In addition to the ...


Dan Sparks: Get involved in the legislative process

Happy New Year, southern Minnesota! I hope you and your loved ones enjoyed some quality time together over ...


Editorial: Recognize teachers who have made an impact

Have a teacher who has made a difference in your child or grandchild’s life? Now’s your chance to ...


Editorial: Be civil with comments on Facebook

With heavy comments this week on a few of the Tribune’s stories online, we would like to remind ...


Editorial: Contact your elected officials about opinions

With the Minnesota Legislature now underway, we urge you to contact your senator or representative about any state ...


Editorial: Will this be a good year for rural Minnesota?

The Minnesota legislative session begins today, and we are hopeful this session will be a good one for ...


Guest Column: Find out how to be part of moving forward

It’s a new year! And this is my last column for a while. Thank you to the people ...


Editorial Roundup: Democrats have reasonable plan to end shutdown

Incoming House Democrats in Congress have put forth a reasonable plan to end the government shutdown and still ...


Editorial: Reasonable raises necessary to keep strong employees

Much has been said in recent weeks as local government entities have approved contracts with unions and resolutions ...


Editorial: Tribune wishes a year of unity, growth in area

Like most years, this year in Albert Lea and the surrounding area, state and nation was filled with ...

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