
Letter: Plant a willow tree to help with flooding

One element missing from the local flood-control plan is a botanic one — planting willow trees. Willow trees ...


Letter: GOP picnic slated for Monday

All are welcome! The Freeborn County Republicans will be participating this Saturday in the Glenville Days Parade on ...


Paid political letter: Reject Republicans in upcoming election

I don’t usually respond to the Republican columns published in the Albert Lea Tribune, but when the comments ...


Paid political letter: Vote is important in upcoming presidential race

The most important election of our lifetime. Make America Great Again. We no longer have a country we ...


Paid political letter: Stop Trump, the enforcer of the plot to end American democracy

America rallied together not only after the billionaire terrorist Osama bin Laden’s attack on 911 but also when ...


Paid political letter: Sound off Democrats about recent column, letter

Albert Lea, we have work to do! I just finished reading our Tribune, and my blood pressure rose. ...


Paid political letter: One man’s opinion: Project 2025

It’s an established fact that if you tell a lie often enough it becomes accepted as fact. In ...


Letter: Civic Music season tickets give you nine concerts for price of one

Area residents are fortunate to have access to a wonderful variety of musical performances through the Albert Lea ...


Paid political letter to the editor: Save public education from Project 2025

It is crystal clear Project 2025 has been embraced by our local MAGA’s who attended the GOP national ...


Letter: New policy increases risk for workers

I am a food services worker in the kitchen at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Fairmont. On July ...


Letter: How is this helping the little guy?

Democrats preach that they are for the little guy. They passed the Infrastructure and Investment and Jobs Act. ...


Letter: Truck show was a big success for community

On Saturday, June 22, Albert Lea was on the map with the well-planned and tremendously executed Simply Built ...


Letter: Biden’s legacy

If it should happen that Biden loses the presidency, he will leave a legacy that any ex-presidents would ...


Paid political letter: One man’s opinion

I am not a religious person, but I firmly believe God placed his hand on Donald J. Trump’s ...


Letter: My Waterloo

Have you ever heard the phrase, “A burden shared is a burden lightened?” On Saturday, June 22, and ...

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