
If you are going to dream, it’s good to dream big

In looking back at my many past fishing experiences, I can remember vividly the first time I got ...


Fishing is still good in the dog days of summer

The dog days of summer are now upon us, as you can probably tell by the temperatures this ...


A.L. Jaycees crush Trades and Labor

50 years ago: 1966 • In the playoffs between the American and National Divisions of the Albert Lea ...


Albert Lea Colonels pick up 2 wins

50 years ago: 1966 • Lowell Doppelhammer threw a four-hitter with 11 strikeouts for Conger in its 7-0 ...


Remembering those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer

Whenever we have one of those warm, lazy summer days, I will sometimes think back to a quieter ...


Jaycees stay undefeated with win over Power Interstate

50 years ago: 1966 • Gerald Walcholz singled in the winning run in bottom of the ninth inning ...


When tragedy strikes, a community steps up

This past Fourth of July weekend, which is a time for celebration, the Stultz family suffered the loss ...


A.L. beats Owatonna

50 years ago: 1966 • Gerald Walcholz singled in the winning run in bottom of the ninth inning ...


You can’t turn back the clock but you can try

I was lucky enough to be able to spend this past week at the cabin fishing with Trevor, ...


The sound of rain on a tin roof can be relaxing

I have often heard it said the sound of a rain at night can have a soothing effect ...


Albert Lea slowpitch stays perfect

50 years ago: 1966 • Gerald Walcholz singled in the winning run in the bottom of the ninth ...


Bring your sense of humor when going fishing

It’s kind of funny how a routine day of fishing can turn into an adventure a person couldn’t ...


Albert Lea baseball takes third at state

50 years ago: 1966 • In the first round baseball game at the Minnesota State Baseball Tournament the ...


Enjoying another great time in north country

Once again I am writing my column while enjoying the surroundings of our little cabin in the north ...


ALHS baseball wins 1st district title

50 years ago: 1966 • The Albert Lea High School baseball team won its first ever District 2 ...

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